Somatic Therapy in Hartford, CT

If you’re here, chances are you or a loved one may be experiencing some kind of emotional distress, and we’re here to tell you that you’ve come to the right place.

Somatic therapy focuses on addressing emotional distress by emphasizing the body’s physical sensations and experiences. The core belief of somatic therapy is that unresolved emotional issues can manifest as physical tension or discomfort in the body, contributing to a range of psychological and emotional struggles.

Corporate Wellness offered by Phoenix Wellness Solutions
Mental Health Therapy

Signs you may need Somatic therapy

  • Chronic Physical Symptoms
  • Difficulty Regulating Emotions
  • Past Trauma
  • Disconnection from Bodily Sensations
  • Stress-Related Disorders
  • Relationship Struggles
  • Unexplained Pain

What are the benefits of Somatic therapy?

  • Integration of Mind and Body: Somatic therapy emphasizes the connection between the mind and body, helping individuals develop a deeper awareness of how their emotional experiences are manifested physically. 

  • Release of Trauma and Emotional Tension: Somatic therapy provides techniques and interventions to release stored trauma and emotional tension held in the body. Through practices such as mindfulness, breathwork, and gentle movement, individuals can gradually release pent-up emotions and trauma, leading to relief from symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.

  • Improved Self-Regulation: Somatic therapy equips individuals with tools to regulate their emotions and bodily sensations effectively. By developing skills in self-awareness, grounding techniques, and emotion regulation, clients can better manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges in their daily lives.

  • Enhanced Body Awareness and Resilience: Through practices that encourage present-moment awareness and attunement to bodily sensations, individuals can develop a deeper connection with themselves and their internal experiences.

mental health services from Phoenix Professional Services in Hartford CT

Working with us starts with a free 15-minute phone consultation. We’ll discuss what you’re looking for and tell you whether we are a good fit for you. You can request a consultation by call, text, email, or by filling out the form below. 

We accept private pay, Husky, and Anthem